How to use the toolkit

We have designed this toolkit to be modular and flexible to your needs and context, such as the stage of your project, the level of your experience, or your status as an individual, project team member or organisation’s employee.

This means you can skip around the toolkit and use the various components as and when you need. For example, if you’re just starting your Video for Change initiative, you can begin at the Values and Methods section (even if you are a seasoned video-maker, we recommend beginning at Values and Methods to consider the ethics and principles of your current initiative).

If you have arrived here mid-way into your project, or you have your own process of designing for impact, you can simply jump into the relevant section. If you’re already towards the end of your initiative, perhaps Evaluation is more useful to you — although we do encourage you to adopt evaluation as a method throughout your project.

There are many different ways of practising Video for Change. Your approach will depend on your objectives, your stakeholders’ needs, your resources, and the limitations and opportunities of the environment you’re working within.

We recognise that Video for Change practitioners often have very limited resources, so an overly prescriptive approach is not realistic for many groups working with such restrictions. Our framework for designing for and assessing impact therefore tries to find the right balance between collecting enough data and stories to support real insights, and creating a structure that is flexible, relevant and achievable.


…What is video for change?